East Valley's Updated COVID-19 Policy as of July 2022
COVID-19 is becoming endemic and the world is moving toward living with the virus. The threshold for serious circumstances should be defined and updated as needed. Our goal is still to minimize community spread of the virus at our services and gatherings. The following will go into effect starting July 18, 2022:
Continue mandatory online health questionnaire to be filled out upon arrival (for contract tracing) http://bit.ly/EVHealthSurvey
Mandatory masking is required on Sunday and Friday gatherings.
For all other ministries or church activities, the respective leadership team will determine if masking is mandatory.
Protocol for Informing Congregation of Positive Cases: We will continue to ask people who attend our gathering and test positive the following week to inform leadership via the Health & Safety weekly email. If it is within 4 days following the event, contact tracing protocols will be triggered. An email will be sent out to inform all in attendance at the gathering that someone tested positive and to monitor themselves and their household. Church will guard the identity of the positive individual(s) to prevent stigma.
Standard for Returning to In-Person Gathering after Testing Positive: You can return 10 days after the initial positive test if you test negative and have no symptoms. [You can return immediately after negative if it’s past 10 days since the initial positive test.] This standard is higher than the current LA County guidelines.
For the full details, please click below for a document on the updated guidelines.