Thank you for your love to God and offering.
There are two methods to give your offering to our church:
A. Traditional Giving
You can give by placing cash or check in the offering bag at any of our Sunday services. Please make check payable to EFCEV. If you’d like to mail the offering check, please use the below address:
20625 La Puente Rd.
Walnut, CA 91789
B. Online Giving via Zelle
EFCEV now accepts online giving via Zelle that can be used either on your mobile app or computer. Zelle allows you to easily transfer funds directly from your bank to EFCEV’s bank without any fee by either sender or receiver. Once you are enrolled in Zelle, you can select the following email to send money to EFCEV’s bank.
EFCEV’s email for Zelle is
When sending money to church using Zelle, please enter the following information in the memo:
- Your name and email address
- Which church fund:
- General Fund (default)
- Thanksgiving
- Mission Fund
- Mission in general (default)
- Taiwan Mission
- Arizona Mission
- LOT Ministry
- Caring Fund
- Building Fund
- EVCC Fund
- Optionally specify you are from Taiwanese or English congregation
Please feel free to email your questions to or contact our church at (909) 594-1647 at any time.
Thank you for your generosity! May the Lord richly bless you!
A) 傳統奉獻
您可在主日的時候將要奉獻的現金或是支票投入奉獻袋中。支票抬頭請寫 EFCEV,或任何時間選擇用郵寄的方式,請將奉獻支票寄到以下地址:
20625 La Puente Rd.
Walnut, CA 91789
B) 線上奉獻
東安教會開始接受用 Zelle 線上奉獻,你可以下載 Zelle app 或用電腦從你的銀行轉帳到教會的銀行,用 Zelle 無需付任何費用
註冊 Zelle 後,轉帳給教會時請用以下東安教會受款的 email:
- 你的姓名和email
- 奉獻於那個基金 (若沒指定就存入經常費)
- 經常費
- 感恩
- 宣道
- 一般宣道
- 台灣短宣
- 亞利桑那短宣
- 停車場事工
- 愛心
- 建堂
- 東安兒童合唱團
- 選擇性告知你是屬於英文組還是台語組
如有任何問題請email到 或至電到教會 (909)594-1647.
感謝你的奉獻及支持教會的事工, 願神祝福你!