
  • ✞新舊約聖經是上帝所啟示無謬誤的話語,明陳上帝完備救人的聖旨,是基督徒信仰與生活最高權威。

  • ✞自有永有的真活上帝,永存於聖父、聖子與聖靈三位一體。

  • ✞三位一體的上帝創造、維護並統管宙萬爱,但祂在一切受造爱之前,且與被造爱有別。

  • ✞人類始祖亞當是按上帝的形像被造,但因得罪上帝而失去原有純真本性,遭致本身及其後裔的定罪及死亡,因此人類需要救贖,但卻全然無能自救。

  • ✞上帝因祂的慈愛與憐恤,在人類墮落之後為人類預備救贖大功且與祂的子民訂立恩典之約,上帝不但應許而且實際地賜下救主耶穌基督,使信靠祂的人得以稱義與享受永生。

  • ✞耶穌基督是上帝的獨生子,由父上帝差遣,從聖靈感孕,藉童女馬利亞出生,祂一生無罪順服,並為世人受苦被釘在十自架上,上帝使祂從死裡復活,並且高昇祂為主為基督,並將所應許之聖靈賜給教會。

  • ✞人的得救本乎恩也因著信,被救贖的罪人得以成為上帝的子民,承受永生。耶穌基督是上帝與人之間的唯一中保,唯獨藉著祂才能到父那裡去。

  • ✞信徒在基督裡成為新造的人,蒙召順著聖靈而行,向罪死、在義上活、效法基督、活出聖靈的果子。善功是基督徒生活的本份而不是稱義的根據。

  • ✞唯獨上帝才是我們良心的主宰,信徒在信仰與行為上得以超脫一切違反聖經或增添聖經以外的人為誡命。

  • ✞所有真信徒屬於基督,是聖靈的居所,是基督的身體,亦是無形的教會々無形的教會藉有形的教會而彰顯々教會是聖潔的、普世的與合一的。地方教會包括一切心信口認基督而且接受洗禮的,作為上帝的子民、祭司的國度。教會必頇漸漸長大,滿有基督成長的身量,藉著運用聖靈的恩賜,在崇拜、聖禮、團契、訓律與服事、見證等事上完成宣教的聖工。

  • ✞信徒皆為祭司,受職者與信徒同心服事。

  • ✞在末日,基督將親自有形體地再來,審判活人與死人。死人將有形體的復活,信徒藉聖靈承受永 生,不信的人被定罪,新天新地於是開始。

Statement of Faith

  1. We believe that the Bible, containing the old and new testaments, is the inspired and inerrant Word of God, the necessary and complete revelation of His will for salvation, and is the ultimate authority for Christian faith and life.

  2. We believe in the one true, triune and living God, eternally existing in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  3. We believe the triune God is the creator, the sustainer and ruler of all creation, but is prior to, and distinct from the creation.

  4. We believe that the first man, Adam, was created by God in His image, but fell from his original state by sinning against God, and hence incurred upon himself and all his posterity the guilt of sin, condemnation, and death; therefore, all humans are in need of salvation, but are totally incapable of saving themselves.

  5. We believe that after the fall, God, in His mercy and love, made provision for human redemption through the establishment of the covenant of grace with His people by the promise and the actual giving of the savior Jesus Christ, whom to believe is justification and life.

  6. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, begotten by the Father, conceived by the Holy Spirit, and born of the virgin Mary; that He lived a sinless life and obedient life, suffered and died on the cross vicariously for the sins of those who believe in Him; that God raised Him from the dead, exalted Him both as Lord and Christ, and give Him to the Holy Spirit for His Church.

  7. We believe that humans are saved by grace through faith in Christ in response to the gospel preached, or otherwise presented, in the power of the Holy Spirit, through whom ransomed sinners became the sons of God and heirs of eternal life. that Jesus Christ is the only mediator between God and men through Him and only through Him the believer has access to the Father.

  8. We believe that every believer is a new creature in Christ, and is called to walk in the Spirit, to die unto sin, and to live unto righteousness, and thereby manifest the fruit of the Spirit, conforming oneself to the image of Christ; that good works are the fruit of the Christian life, and are not ways of justification.

  9. We believe that God alone is the Lord of our conscience, and that the believers are free from the commands of men, which are contrary to, or in addition to, the scriptures in matters of faith and conduct.

  10. We believe that the church, consisting of all true believers, being Christ’s own and indwelt by the Holy Spirit, is the body of Christ, the invisible church; that the church is holy, universal, and one in Christ; that the invisible church manifests itself in the visible church, the local congregations consisting of all who profess to believe in Christ and are baptized; that as the people of God and a kingdom of priests, the church is called to grow unto the stature of the fullness of Christ and to fulfill her missionary work through the exercise of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, in worship, ordinances, fellowship, discipline, and services.

  11. We believe in the priesthood of all believers, and the parity of the ministers and the laity.

  12. We believe that in the last day, as the consummation of redemption, Christ will come again personally and visibly to the earth to judge the living and the dead; that there will be a bodily resurrection of the dead, of the believers through the Holy Spirit unto the inheritance of eternal life, and the unbelievers unto condemnation; and that a new heaven and a new earth will be ushered in.